Support work
Participants set rates between Fairwork and NDIS Limits
Over 5,000 support relationships formed.
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Bring them with you

Do Your Thing... Unboringly

Simple Session Management
We offer different options to manage your support schedules. We suggest you start off with the "book as you go" option and move towards a rostered schedule once you have found your groove and dream team.
Quality Relationships
We believe every connection is different and allow you to set different parameters per support relationship.
Our clinical and safety teams are trained in trauma informed practice and available to provide staff and participants mediation to resolve disputes, concerns and incidents.
Employee Assistance Program
Casual staff can access free and confidential phone counselling through our external partner.
Service Requests & Linkages
Post home, community, therapy or trip requests with your preferences and needs and you will receive a shortlist of workers who are qualified and available for you to choose from.
Team Chat\Service Thread
Clearly communicate with your team through the internal messenger.
Clear Goals and Expectations
Clearly define your goals, how you want to achieve them and share them with your supports
Managing Money
We believe every connection is different and allow you to set different parameters per support relationship.
Allocation Limits
Allocate and confirm budgets to ensure you do not overspend.
Pay Rates
Set and update individual pay rates for each team member
Fixed Vs. Flexible Session Times
You can choose to lock your session times or allow them to run overtime.
KM Limits
Choose to allow additional travel time or not for each worker.
We Invoice and Pay weekly
We know how important it is for participants to stay up to date with their funding and for workers to get paid weekly to meet their needs. we go the extramile and process billing weekly.
We believe every connection is different and allow you to set different parameters per support relationship.
All users under an identification process to ensure a highest level of trust and security.
Checks & credentialiing
All workers are required to have up to date first aid, cpr, working with children's checks, NDIS screening checks and valid driver's licenses if delivering transport.
Support Plans
Upload your support plants and share them with your team. Our service team are here to assist and up skill if needed.
Restrictive practice implementation and monitoring
Our service team are experienced in managing authorised restrictive practices with participants, teams and the government to ensure safety, compliance and progress.
Incident Reporting
Our reporting system makes it simple to report a wide range of incidents, feedback and general concerns.