Harris’s story: Independence with Just the Right Support

For Daniel, traditional support arrangements just doesn’t work. He finds that having multiple support workers coming in each day disrupts his groove, making him less motivated to keep his place tidy and to do him. He discovered that having one live-in support was the solution he needed. With this setup, Daniel feels like he has a roommate who, while sharing his space, also helps set cleaning schedules, handle life’s admin tasks, and keep him motivated. It’s a supportive partnership that fits his renegade spirit while giving him the structure he needs.
Sam’s story: The Finer Things and a Lifestyle of Support

Living in an upscale apartment, Sam embraces a taste for the finer things. He loves walking straight out of the door onto a cafe strip. He is thrilled to have a roommate who doubles as a mentor when navigating tricky subjects such as relationships, hobbies and building a legacy. Sam’s support workers provide assistance with daily tasks, ensuring that he and his apartment stay spotless while Sam and his roomie’s relationship can flourish. This arrangement allows Sam to be supported while living the life of any other young adult.
Dylan’s story: A Balanced Life of Support and Freedom

Living with his partner, Dylan needs help with all daily tasks and personal care. Thanks to Humdrum’s fixed support schedule, Dylan has the stability and predictability he values, knowing exactly what to expect each day. But the good stuff doesn;t end here! The cost-effectiveness of our set up leaves him with additional funding to spend on other areas and on his own terms. Dylan uses his funding for weekend adventures and enjoying nights out with friends. The balance between structure and freedom given Dylan the best of both worlds.
Steve’s Story: Flexibility That Fits
Steve lives by himself and that’s the way he likes it! He is savouring the freedom that comes with being the king of his castle. He’s like a “salmon about to spawn”—sometimes he’s fully self-sufficient, ready to tackle the day on his own terms. But other days, he needs a bit more support, whether it’s getting ready in the morning or handling tasks around the house. With our drop-in model,, Steve has the flexibility to choose when help arrives and him and his team can move things around, schedule ad hoc sessions and keep the salmon ladder full of crystal clear water. This approach gives him control over his schedule, allowing him to stay as independent as he wants while knowing there’s always support when he needs it.